EURODECISION a eu le plaisir d’inviter ses clients à la conférence Gurobi, organisée conjointement avec le Laboratoire d’Informatique de Paris 6 (LIP6) :
« Gurobi — Then and Now »
We will begin with a short introduction to Gurobi Optimization, when and why the company was founded, its business model, and who uses Gurobi. The introduction will be followed by a description of some of the methodological innovations in Gurobi, including the use of “submips” as a fundamental paradigm, how the code is designed for parallelism from the ground up, and several additional examples of new ideas in the underlying mixed-integer programming algorithms. We will conclude with some benchmarks comparing Gurobi to other popular solvers.
Programme :
14h00 : présentation par Robert Bixby, fondateur de GUROBI
15h00 : questions / réponses
16h00 : discussions autour d’un verre.
Date et lieu :
Mardi 3 mai 2011 de 14h à 16h30, au LIP6 – 4 place Jussieu 75005 Paris – Salle 105 (aile 25-26 du campus au 1er étage)